Monday, May 10, 2010

What is the Geography of Somewhere?

Frankly it's the opposite of Nowhere.

The title itself is a direct reference to James Howard Kunstler's book "The Geography of Nowhere," in which he argues that Americans aren't rooted anymore, and frankly it might not really matter because every place looks the same. I suppose that reality seems true for many people - I know it did for me at one point. But now that I've moved out of my parents house, traveled, got a couple of degrees and a few different jobs in a few different regions of the country I notice that every place has its own character. If you scratch beneath the surface just a little bit you'll find a different view on the present, a different brand of nostalgia, and a different way of guiding the future. However, some do a better job than others. Some places can smack you over the head with how unique they are.

I will present those differences here - I will present the Geography of Somewhere.

This blog will be part travelogue and part socio-economic-geo-political "research," I think. We'll see what happens.

Stuff I'd like to cover:
-"Local" food
-Transit Development
-Urban Planning
-The best way to get from A to B (planes vs trains vs cars vs bikes vs feet!)
-Cool places
-Place Making
-Green economy

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